Monday, March 24, 2008

Is smoking easy the generation that causes cancer?

Is smoking easy the generation that causes cancer? Smoking causes cancer: Consider to create, smoking is generation freedom radical is the fastest most method, every suck a smoke to be able to produce 100 thousand freedom radical at least, bring about thereby cancer and a lot of chronic. Recently, the research that the person that British Oxford carries hospital of the husband in heart gram to smoke to 35 thousand has is as long as 50 years reachs finish is talked, achievement shows, cancer of lung cancer, cancer of the stomach, pancreatic cancer, cystic cancer, cancer of the liver, oral cavity, paranasal sinus cancer when 11 kinds of cancer and smoking " apparent be concerned with " . The person that why smokes catchs a cold easily, because the lymphocyte active of human body is reduced,be, cause cancer. Send smoke to send 3 big factors of cancer in view of smoking, smoke of Buddhist monastic discipline should have been jumped over earlier. Wish you are lucky Can!

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