Monday, March 17, 2008

Can vitamin C prevent cancer?

Can vitamin C prevent cancer? My Mom listens to some old people to tell, eat C of a vitamin to be able to prevent cancer everyday, be true? Vitamin C can reduce carcinogenic substance inferior saltpetre amine is inside body collect, reduce esophagus cancer and incidence of a disease of cancer of the stomach. In the meantime, of vitamin C fight oxidation, can avoid freedom radical to the organization causes mutation or form cancer cell to the cell, reduce cancer to produce risk then. Food origin: Recommend fresh vegetable and fruit, among them the vitamin C content such as peach of monkey of the wild jujube in the fruit, hawkthorn, strawberry, cover is higher; The vitamin C content of the chili in vegetable is most. Additional, vegetable foliaceous ministry is taller than content of C of cauline ministry vitamin, new part of a historical period is higher than content of C of old leaf vitamin. Referenced material: Http:// Cid=118id=1513 Tumor is faddish disease learns investigation to make clear, a lot of enteron tumour and vitamin C absorb inadequacy to concern. The experiment proves, vitamin C is right chemical carcinogenic substance inferior the formation of saltpetre amine has block to stop action, can restrain human body inside inferior the synthesis of saltpetre amine. Vitamin C still can consolidate and enhance the defense ability of airframe, make cancer cell devitalization. It is to compound the matter that fight cancer " transparent acid is enzymatic control content " important raw material, what can restrain cancer cell is progenitive. Vitamin C promotes the growth of fibre, in tight encirclement is formed all round swollen cancer, prevent swollen metastasis of cancer. Terminal cancer patient is possible because of taking large quantities of vitamin C outspread life. Obtain the Bao Lin of nobel prize twice to teach, in him " vitamin C and tumour " clew is made clear in one book, vitamin C can prevent cancer and remedial cancer. Set out from the point of view that prevents tumor, should advocate energetically absorb fresh vegetable and fruit everyday. Because vitamin C is contained not only in vegetable fruit, still contain rich prandial fine peace keeping a few otherer fight tumor material. The result of cancer of precaution of vitamin C medicaments with the integrated singler than using action of these material is close friends certainly more

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