Wednesday, August 27, 2008
What cancer dies is fast or what AIDS dies is fast
What cancer dies is fast or what AIDS dies is fast I follow a friend bet The fast cancer that cancer dies attributes organic cell pathological change, the nature after AIDS is belonged to is obtained model immune force is short of break! Both inside asepsis segregation room, cancer patient is met obstacle of effect of emerge in large numbers and die die. Although AIDS patient is met effect of immunity of integrality of emerge in large numbers is short of break, but won't die die! What cancer dies is fast ~~ Bigger odds serious illness is infected with Aids, the word that does not treat does not have the Gt; Lt;~ that get rescued Generally speaking cancer arrived terminal those who die is fast. AIDS is the immune system that destroyed a person, its die die the reason is all sorts of opportunity sexes are infected with with cancer.
What Chinese traditional medicine does cancer effect have apparently product?
What Chinese traditional medicine does cancer effect have apparently product? What Chinese traditional medicine does cancer effect have apparently product? Cancer effect is more apparent is: of boil in water for a while dare referenced material of land cost? Http:// Bacterium of live body edible very the canal is used. Clear lung of capsule of red of kind of capsule of dragon of gold of precious sweet capsule comes loose the cancer reference material that Qing Dynasty of lung of beneficial of bolus of disease of knot bolus Gu changes grain crucial point to want to look is what place: Http:// Hua Zhongbao double ginseng 3 ichor (to be taken orally) double ginseng of Hua Zhongbao scent 3 ichor (external use) pure Chinese traditional medicine is patent recipe, the effect is very pretty good and referenced material: Http:// Glossy ganoderma! Still Xue Lian immerses with milk. The public effect outside me is very good! Philtre, excessive medicine
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Drink for a long time can you bring about " cancer " ?
Drink for a long time can you bring about " cancer " ? If your problem changes " long-term excessive to bring wine to you can bring about cancer " ? It is right so, drink for a long time that is to say but nevertheless the quantity is healthful, the effect such as promotional blood circulation, but excessive drinks pair of liver, pancreatic, kidney, those who cause persecute not allow unwary, cause cancer possibly Long-term drink bender is harmful to the figure, but say to drink for a long time can cause cancer, I do not agree with this kind of view. Drink for a long time and be to drink old wine (what drink namely is very much) the disease that the person meets so that liver, pancreas concerns, those who cause cancer is ambiguous still. Easy fatty liver, of alcohol liver and so on ill Drink less do not have a thing, drink more etc die To hepatic, pancreatic, kidney, cause persecute not allow unwary, if not be,the proposal can push necessary dinner party, a few proper drinking happy affection, long-term large quantities of injury bodies, be sure to keep in mind! Everybody has a kind to fight cancer cell and cancerous source cell in the figure, below the condition that violates without the outside, they are in solid position, the cell depressed source of a cancer to fight cancer cell (the environment is exciting: Smoking, pollution, drink, work and rest not the rule) possible emerge in large numbers this kind of circumstance, much with must noticing covering good oneself, regular examination (not be run-of-mill check-up, it is 3 armour hospital comprehensive and normal at one's own expenses the sort of) , nip in the bud! Wish original poster figure health is restful! To liver harm can drink liver greatly very much sclerotic
Monday, August 25, 2008
Idiotic ask a question, take a beating can get cancer
Idiotic ask a question, take a beating can get cancer For instance wind is bumped, guttural perhaps place perhaps is hit by person clutch, the head is hit to wait a moment, do these meetings cause cancer? The problem is additional: For instance wind is hit to cause lung cancer, throat is brought about by fierce clutch esophagus cancer laryngocarcinoma, the head is hit to cause cerebral cancer, possible? The cancer that causes because of the element such as the injury has the possibility of 1% . Won't Theoretic ought to won't Xiaobai? Can hit you die ` won't hit you cancerous ` Certainly won't Won't, if be you very insufferable word, the possible cancer of that dozen of person Won't This such worlds are harmonious everybody plays Be impossible absolutely, unless be coincidence. Both does not have sure arrange with. But also have other condition, for instance someone takes a beating, jealousy can get cancer, in the heart long-term depression, energy condition not beautiful, promotion Oh cancerous possibility. If the bang also need not decide cancer then,come namely originally indescribable Take a beating meet " the psychological cancer that retaliation is expression " Saying to take a beating from in principle won't cause cancer, but if the itself inside body has cancer cell to just have no any making clear,diagnose, took a beating again next, one examination says is to cancer did not become take a beating cause cancer. This is coincidence. Bosom takes a beating possible meeting causes the disease such as pneumothorax. Guttural by clutch, overweight word can see " Buddha Budda " ! The head is hit also is same, weighed see god, light the head shakes. Were you taken a beating? Won't, Have sure odds ~ do you often gues-star inside TV namely " is wind broken big stone " that individual? If you were gotten so, so you are the first ~ ! - - Your letter has cough up, do not believe with respect to the ~~~ that do not have cough up Possible, stroke may cause constituent pathological change! Hit the person does not make a face Seem to be able to be hit to die, meet those who get sequela and so on, had not heard of cancer. . . . Hit a head only likely to shake, cancer won't ah! Won't, gene mutation causes cancer, and gene mutation is changed besides the physiology of oneself more be chemistry sends cancerous gene to bring about, because this takes a beating,won't cause cancer . . . I am very responsible tell you, unless he is the enginery of the material that shoots with Gao Fu or special composition make it,hit you, you may cancer, and hit number is sure and more than, just meeting emerge in large numbers this kind of phenomenon, if be in,still have clutch your neck when wait for one's chance puts bit of chemical material to be in your mouth, also may oh (of course, put affirmatory and more than) alas, how can you produce opinion of so special drop. . . (this answer is achieved formerly for oneself, ask do not borrowed) Upstairs guy is good drag. "This answer is achieved formerly for oneself, do not borrowed please " who is rare those who copy you ah, answer must so rubbish Won't get cancer, but often be hit may change idiocy Uncover secret: of the Song Dynasty cuts Chinese toon cape into parts to risk ┲ ? annual, cancer is sent in the whole world die 7 million person, our country also has 1 million person to lose life accordingly. For prostrate disease of this a special skill, scientists gave great effort. But up-to-date, we still were not found capture the measure of cancer. What is cancer? It comes from where, how to kill a person again? Sun Yan of adviser of ministry of cancer of academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, World Health Organization replied the reporter's query. Problem one: How does cancer procrastinate break down human body above all, sun Yan academician points out, cancer, also call malignant tumor, have benign tumor relatively. Tumor is to show airframe is below action of all sorts of the element that cause tumor, the cell of local organization is unusually proliferous and those who form is local bump. Benign tumor is easy sweep is clean, do not transfer commonly, do not have a relapse, have extruding and block effect only to organ, organization. But malignant tumor still can damage the structure of organization, organ and effect, cause bad die haemorrhage is amalgamative be infected with, the patient may fail finally as a result of organic effect and die die. Grandson academician tells a reporter, the fundamental unit of cancer pathological changes is cancer cell. Ageing of human body cell dies the meeting after dying has new student cell to replace it, in order to maintain airframe effect. Visible, cell of human body majority is OK and proliferous, but this kind of proliferation has limit, and the hyperplasia of cancer cell is endless head, this makes the nurture inside patient system qualitative by large quantities of expending. In the meantime, cancer cell still can release a variety of toxin, make human body produces a series of symptoms. If creation and cure are not seasonable, it still can transfer the whole body to grow everywhere progenitive, bring about human body finally angular, faint, anaemic, inappetence, calorific reach viscera effect damage to wait. Human body almost every place encounters cancer enroach on possibly. Original, this biology machine runs human body flawless, however cancer transformed this kind of circumstance, its task is attaint. If go down continuously, will procrastinate break down human body. But, tumor unlike virus, not be the person that inbreak outside body, its composition and normal organization are same, because this airframe cannot is opposite,it undertakes identifying immunity. Problem 2: Cancer cell by why and come grandson academician made a figure of speech to the reporter: Human body is the community that by each the cell forms actually. Every cell takes chapter act, know when to should grow break with, also know how to be combined with other cell, form organization and organ. And compose builds different organization " blueprint " , it is gene. A lot of people say, there is cancer cell inside human body, just do not have development to rise. Tell from medicine, if can fish cancer cell, can diagnose this person to contract cancer. So, this kind of view is incorrect. Medical home thinks now: There is former cancer gene inside everybody body, not be everybody absolutely there is cancer cell inside body. Former cancer gene is in charge of cellular break with, hyperplasia, the person's growth needs it. For " check " it, there still is curb cancer gene in human body. At ordinary times, former cancer gene and curb cancer gene are maintaining a balance, but fall in action of the element that cause cancer, the force of former cancer gene can greaten, and curb cancer gene becomes weak however school accordingly, the element that cause cancer is to start what cancer cell grows " the key " , important include method of energy element, genetic element, life, certain chemical material to wait. Many " the key " one reinstate, ability is started " cancer program " ; "The key " more, the opportunity that start is greater. We still cannot defeat solution all " the key " , because this is returned,cannot capture cancer. Grandson academician points out, tumor cell by " rebel " normal cell is derived and come, blossom through very old ability tumor. "Rebel " the cell breaks away from the right path, speed of hyperplasia of proper motion set, accumulate 1 billion above we just can be aware of. The proliferous speed of cancer cell is used times add time to plan, 1 changes 2, 2 change 4, with this analogize. For instance, of cancer of cancer of the stomach, bowel, cancer of the liver, pancreatic cancer, esophagus cancer times increase time average it is 33 days; Breast cancer times increasing time is many days 40. Because cancer cell is times more ceaseless,add, cancer gets faster toward terminal progress more. Problem 3: How is cancer transferred " cancer cell is special ' greedy ' . " grandson academician says, it can run to what it may achieve to assume where place, and way is important have 3: Lymphatic move is general the earliest, when undertaking tumor is excised accordingly, want to undertake lymph node is swept; Outside putting cure to send tumor focus of a disease formerly besides illuminate, even all round illuminate lymph node. Lymphatic system spreads all over the whole body, it is the ideal that cancer cell transfers and first selection passageway. Lymphatic move often by reach nearly far, if breast cancer is transferred above all,be the same as side axillary lymph node, move arrives later on clavicle, next lymph node, axillary to side even lymph node. Invade blood-vessel or the cancer cell that enter blood-vessel via lymphatic directly, can achieve other position to wait like lung, head, liver and bone along with blood stream, this is hematic travel move. Cancer of gastric bowel path often is transferred to liver and lung, the constant move such as tumour of cancer of breast cancer, kidney, flesh and blood arrives lung, lung cancer easy move comes head, prostate cancer easy move arrives bone. Changing cure is to avoid cancer cell to be transferred all right through blood, and with medicine " on the way " kill cancer cell. Still have a kind of move less, cultivate move namely. If cancer cell falls off from tumor surface, "Drop " in the place such as thorax, abdominal cavity and antrum of cerebral spinal cord, meet " rooted and gemmiparous " . Generation ground is in commonly the bottom of these cavity, the place such as bottom of nest of bladder of horn of the midriff that be like costal region, rectum, skull. Finally, grandson academician tells a reporter, ordinary people always loves to say what thing causes cancer, actually, we still cannot say to want what to to eat to won't get cancer only, what to perhaps contact to be able to get cancer. Creating a kind of any elements now is the sure element that causes cancer. It is the most important to overcome cancer is early creation, inchoate cancer can be cured mostly. For this, we are to want fixed check-up, 2 it is uncomfortable be about to see a few symptoms of Bo may be concerned with cancer, do not feel painful just go seeing a doctor. Prevent cancer at 4 o'clock item the first, do not smoke, or smoke of Buddhist monastic discipline. The person of smoking has a half to be able to die at the disease with smoking be concerned with, it is cancer more very among them. Be in the United States, the lung cancer of 90% is caused by smoking directly, because,having 3% additionally is inspiratory and secondhand smoke causes. Ferri says: "Do not know why people wants to spend 35 dollars to sponsor his to change life everyday 8 to 12 years. " the 2nd, pay close attention to the thing that you have. American cancer institute suggests people ought to have 5 kinds of different vegetable and fruit at least everyday, this is the significant step that assistance fights cancer. " nutrition and cancer " the magazine also is promulgated say, the possibility that has fruit and vegetable person to contract cancer rarely is more vegetable than draft fruit more person is one times taller. American cancer institute also suggests: Choose wholemeal and not be flour of essence of life, restrict red meat dosage, should eat less particularly treated and tall adipose flesh kind, restrict alcoholic beverage, etc. The 3rd, do exercise more. Campaign is being spent in is the athletic method that the scientist recommends. According to research, take a walk one hour to be able to reduce the possibility that contracts colonic cancer everyday 46% . American cancer institute suggests people is done at least everyday 60 minutes in spend or a bit intense campaign, move 5 times every week above. Ferri complement says, excessive and fat also can grow cancered likelihood. The 4th, know familial medical history. Familial medical history is the biggest inducement of deadly cancer, there is the factor that cause cancer in causing gene possibly hereditarily. If directly-related members of one's family -parents (sister of parents, brother, children) had had cancer, so you may need to be being compared young when make regular inspection. But anyhow, people ought not to dread, and should use positive attitude to prevent cancer. The food 1) milk that prevents cancer and yoghurt milk contain calcium and vitamin D, in alvine path internal energy and carcinogen photograph combination, broom its are harmful action. Yoghurt can restrain the growth of tumor cell. 2) honey and royal jelly honey can be promotional metabolic, enhance airframe strength, ascensive hematopoiesis effect and constituent rehabilitate action. In recent years creation royal jelly contains special bee lactic acid, malignant to preventing and cure tumor is effective. 3) tea contains catechu element, can the radioactivity material inside cleaning system. The patient that put cure often drinks tea to recover benignantly. Tea still can prevent dental caries. Effect of 4) pollen food is ascensive intelligence, add set out Yo, enrich the blood, increase staying power, defer consenescence, have hormone appearance effect, strengthen disease-resistant ability to wait. Fresh vegetable is like 5) vegetable fruit of carrot, turnip, Hu, aubergine, wild cabbage, contain interferon to entice content, can exciting cell produces interferon. This kind of material can strengthen a patient to be opposite the resistance of disease and cancerous tumor. But it suffers heating effect easily and be damaged, because of this above. Food in order to eat raw had better. A lot of research confirm garlic is had prevent cancer to fight cancerous ability, the fat dissolve sex in garlic is volatile oil can activation huge bite cell, the ability fighting cancer of ascensive airframe; Still contain a kind of compound that contain sulfur, also have the effect that exterminates tumor cell. Onion also can fight cancer, the likelihood is to contain peptide of cereal Guang pleasant and the reason of a variety of vitamins. Wait to all have defence effect to lymphatic tumour, cystic cancer, lung cancer and skin cancer. 6) sea product can use the remedial provision of patient of tumour of do evil sex. If,sea alga active ingredient is weighed polysaccharide material and algal acid natrium. Outside body of the eduction after algal acid natrium can be combined with radioactivity Strontium. Often eat the food such as kelp, laver beneficial to the figure. The cartilage of the shark can restrain tumor to grow, fim has restrain tumor to all round the ability of infiltration. The inorganic salt such as rich Selenium, zinc, calcic, iodine is contained in fish kind, revolting cancer also is beneficial. Polysaccharide material and interferon are contained to entice an agent in 7) fungus food, can restrain tumor. Xianggu mushroom is right cancer of cancer of cancer of the stomach, esophagus, neck of lung cancer, palace has sure curative effect. Acupuncture needle stay of proceedings also has same effect, to tumor the gram controls function. Hedgehog hydnum stay of proceedings has curative effect to cancer of the stomach, but of outspread patient live period, ascensive immunity force. Tremella has a gram to control function to cancerous tumor. The B tuckahoe of the 90 % in creating tuckahoe in recent years gets together candy can enhance immune effect, have the effect of the tumour that fight cancer. 8) fruit almond can progress the immune effect of airframe, restrain cellular canceration. It is dry to oral cavity wait for a symptom to have alleviate action, but speak or sing alternately: The patient that antrum has inflammation, ulcer and nosebleed is unfavorable edible. Smoked plum also has the effect that fight cancer, the jujube can restrain tumor cell to grow. The extraction content of fig is medicable cancer of the stomach, guttural cancer, palace neck cancer, cystic cancer. Contain in the apple pectic much, can combine with the radioelement, make its eduction. Papaya can prohibit cancerous tumor diffuses, development. Material of steroid of the extraction in 9) other sweet potato can control the development of breast cancer. Corn flour can restrain tumor to grow, reduce the side effect of anticarcinogen content. The polysaccharide body in Job's tears benevolence and Job's tears fat can strengthen airframe immunity effect and the function that control tumor cell. Prevent cancer, how food (1) food diversification: Cookbook is wide all sorts of nutriment that can satisfy airframe place to need not only, and still can restrain harmful carcinogen. (The beverage that 2) drinks spirituosity is sure want right amount: Drink to have caustic health more, oral cavity, guttural, esophagus and hepatic cancer and drink excessive is concerned. Drink much, the cancered danger sex that smokes again at the same time is bigger. (3) avoids those who cross much cholesterol to absorb: Low adipose food can reduce the dangerous sex that contracts breast cancer, prostate cancer, colonic cancer and rectum cancer. (4) edible contains the food of enough starch and cellulose: Ought to take fruit, vegetable, dry beans, complete cereal, legume and its product more. In order to grow the intake of starch and cellulose, can reduce colonic cancer and rectum cancer so. (What 5) maintains nutrition is balanced, carry ideal weight. Avoid to take overmuch candy. Food prevents cancer the oldest enemy that 14 laws cancer is current mankind health, annual the whole world has 6 million person about by cancer devitalization, among them our country about 1.3 million person dies at cancer. But, cancer also can be controlled. The foundation that world cancer studies to foundation devotes oneself to cancer for years, clinical and the respect research such as cancer precaution, summed up a whole world to be in the research achievement of cancer domain, put forward to have extensive and scientific basis from prandial 14 proposals that prevent cancer with healthy respect. Show cento to be as follows: Proposal one: Reasonable arrangement food. Be in everyday food of sex of the plant in food, if vegetable, fruit, corn is mixed,legume should occupy 2 / 3 above. Proposal 2: Control weight, had avoided light or overweight. After manhood weight amplitude should not exceed 5 kilogram. The prime number that use system (BMI) formula will measure. (see formula) weight (kilogram) BMI = -- -- -- -- -- -- -- height (rice) × height (rice) BMI is less than 20, weight is insufficient; BMI is 20 ~ 25, ideal weight; BMI is 25 ~ 30, slight overweight; BMI is more than 30, overweight badly. Proposal 3: Maintain sports to hammer into shape. If move rarely when the job or only spend campaign gently, everyday due about 1 hour go quickly or similar athletic amount. Have perspired intense campaign every weeks 1 hour even at least. Proposal 4: Eat vegetable, fruit more. Should eat 400 ~ everyday vegetables of 800 grams fruit, greenery vegetable, carrot, potato and orange kind the fruit defends cancerous action the strongest. Want to eat vegetables of fruit of 5 kinds of above everyday, and maintain all the year round, just have defend cancerous action continuously. Proposal 5: Take 800 grams of 600 ~ everyday all sorts of cereal, legume, plant kind rhizome, treatment jumps over little food to had been jumped over. Eat refined sugar less. Proposal 6: Do not advocate drink. Although want drink, the male also should not exceed two cups one day, the female should not exceed a cup one day. Proposal 7: Eat red meat everyday (namely ox, sheep, pork) should not exceed 90 grams. Had better be to eat fish and fowl in order to replace red meat. Proposal 8: Eat tall grease food less, especially animal sex is adipose. The vegetable oil with proper choice is abstemious dosage. Proposal 9: Eat salt less, eat souse food less. Of salt daily expend a quantity to answer little at 6 grams (about one teaspoon) . Proposal 10: Do not want edible to deposit time to get the food that fungus toxin pollutes too longly, possibly below normal temperature. Proposal 11: With cold storage or other appropriate method saves the food of easy decay. Proposal 12: The set limit to that the degree of the additive in food, contaminant and hangover sets under the country is safe namely, but be used in disorder or apply undeserved likelihood to affect health. Proposal 13: Do not eat scorched food, direct the fish in the barbecue on fire and flesh or brawn, bacon can now and then edible. Proposal 14: For the person that observes above proposal to dietary foundation, general need not edible nutrition replenishers, nutrient replenishers is likely to reducing the risk of cancer assistance of it doesn't matter.
Who has cancer QQ group?
Who has cancer QQ group? The QQ that cancer patient exchanges group Cancer QQ group 53365983 In the search in QQ, hit cancer 2 words went, very much, be authenticity! !
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Iodic 131 cure cancer is to change cure to still put cure
Iodic 131 cure cancer is to change cure to still put cure Putting cure is to show radioactivity is treated, it is to show passing radiative cause cure with particle accelerator is the methodological iodine that chemically medicines and chemical reagents passes vein or intervenes receive tumor to enter human body continuously 131 cure cancer is to pass vein to be organized to tumor and it is that iodine that through its radioactivity is treated 131 cure cancer is change cure or In light of the mechanism according to restraining cancer cell, ought to be attributed to put cure. Cannot because be chemical, and carry through vein, consider as change cure. Other is the rare metal that is used at putting cure different be chemical material? Fear upstairsly having fallacious. Change cure, iodine 131 also be a kind of chemical Broad sense go up ought to belong to put cure
Friday, August 22, 2008
Alvine and left ache, is dropping feeling attends a meeting cancer! ! ! !
Alvine and left ache, is dropping feeling attends a meeting cancer! ! ! ! Moment of alvine and left some can be fond of the closest father get off ambulated a little while do not have a thing (drive a taxi) feel have drop feel this can be cancer A begs you to help me The problem is additional: Because open the air conditioning on the car that air conditioning causes to compare the home,can be in even cold Eliminate cancer. The patient is bladder has a problem, namely the kidney has a problem, but either implement have a problem character, this is the problem that place of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine says, yin and yang is lopsided with respect to problem of emerge in large numbers. His relieve oneself also has a problem, so, the proposal looks for a traditional Chinese medical science to be recuperated, a month can good! Had better go to a hospital looking to know Either! ! Likely long-term seat is caused, after bowel wriggles, excrement and urine is caused to second shape colon, whether is this kind of symptom hind of go to the toilet is met abreaction? Cancer is not so easy Cancer of the stomach of knowledge of cancer of the stomach is to show generation is in stomach the malignant tumor of epithelial tissue. Clinical and inchoate 70% above are without a symptom, in obstacle of block of haemorrhage of ache of epigastrium of terminal emerge in large numbers, enteron, perforative, pylorus, angular, lack of power, metabolization and cancer are swollen the corresponding symptom that diffuses to transfer and be caused, any age all can arise, with 50 - 60 years old are in the majority, of incidence of a disease of male and female than be 3.2 - 3.6: 1. Cancer of the stomach has a disease to hide, inchoate often leak because of having apparent symptom examine, easy move and recrudesce, the characteristic such as prognostic difference. Incidence of a disease of our country cancer of the stomach is high, its die die lead the first place that takes all sorts of malignant tumor again, accordingly, cancer of the stomach is persecute badly the common disease of health of our country countryman, should cause regard highly. The Fu Liang that cancer of the stomach belongs to a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine to learn, accumulate, a place of strategic importance of painful, choke and stomach turn over gastral cavity wait for a domain. ▲ pathogeny learns the generation of cancer of the stomach to have two big critical factors. It is individual element, also namely constitutional element; Be like: In element of ① blood type, a blood incidence of a disease is high; ② cancer of the stomach has domestic collect sex; ③ energy element; ④ suffers from gastritis of chronic and atrophic sex, gastric ulcer, the disease such as gastric polyp. 2 it is environmental element; Be like: The microelement in element of ① chemical sex is lacked or exorbitant, SO4-2 of the Gao Han in water and / or salt of Se nitric acid kind wait; Element of ② microbial pollution, wait for pollution like fungus, bacterium; ③ food element, be like often edible is fresh vegetable, fruit and albumen kind food has covering effect, and feed tall starch, heavy salt more, bloat the be soiled, food that fume scamper and bad food operation. Referenced material: Http:// DetailNewsId=831 Going to a hospital to check next one estimation is not
Am I to was pregnant to still contract cancer after all?
Am I to was pregnant to still contract cancer after all? This year in May the last ten-day of a month I am checked to give left accessory to have a bag piece, the doctor says to exceed from B look already had the volume like duck's egg but property yets to be investigated, the beard perform an operation just but qualitative. I performed an operation to excise its according to the doctor's proposal June, because I was not borne, so doctor not dare uterine cut away, just will wrap piece from the uterus vigilance is cut place (whether sweep is clean, whether to return meeting hyperplasia later, all dare not assure) , hind witting this bag piece is one cyst, there is Huang Shui to pour out of inside. Art hind has yellow to shed account other people to pour out of everyday inside two months vagina, and two months after still having method of; of a strange flavour 5 days of of the same branch of a family, check 8 days two months to the hospital, did not create hyperplasia according to Yin Chao, but check leucorrhoea creation was infected with mould, the doctor says is antibiotic be caused by is taken during the be in hospital after art, the drug that the doctor used one week when leave after (have sit of the basin, of vagina of a place of strategic importance with gush briefs) , stop drug next up to now, also did not go to a hospital been check again. General my menstruation can be carried a few days ago, last month is 28 come, have some of small concern so, try to use check pregnant this morning so measure measure (but seeming is not morning make water, the 2nd micturition after getting up however) , achievement indicates weak masculine gender. How do I want to ask this is to return a responsibility after all? Am I to be pregnant to still contract cancer after all? No matter be,I am not willing which kinds, I am so confused now that I sleeping and eating installs hard, because go to work, do not smoke again temporarily give time to go to a hospital checking, everybody if somebody knows it is the word that how returns a responsibility, tell me please, thanked! (urgent! Be urgent! Be urgent! ) The problem is additional: {also has many blame to be pregnant the element can bring about test positive result to show masculine gender: If blood is carried in make water, the pregnancy that the near future has had (in miscarriage, induced abortion or HCG hormone can be created after bearing 8 weeks) , the disease such as ovarian tumour, or take a few birth drug. } I just seek this paragraph of word, so I just fear I can contract cancer. As to the organizes pathology examination achievement of the cut away in the operation I also do not know, the doctor also is done not have specific had said with me. If be the word that be pregnant really,I did not know how to do really! With me present circumstance still cannot want a child, but if do the word of operation of stream of people to worry again,can keep an old complaint, after all I just performed an operation before long, and should mention only now " operation " two words I with respect to one's heart still fluttering with fear, I also do not think begin art stand again! Who can help me consider measure! What is the achievement of constituent pathology examination of the cut away in the operation? I feel, pregnant possibility is large. Check pregnant test, indicating weak masculine gender is to be pregnant, not be contract cancer Actually your problem is in mentally, be pregnant no matter, perhaps have canceration, or whats are done not have, you ought to face these positive result. You are not willing to absorb the both before discuss a possibility to you, but if be such word really, with respect to you this kind worries now and disturbed, to solving a problem not only of no help, can increase difficulty instead. We are not willing to absorb life has a lot of things actually, but this process always can have certain moment meet by chance. My means, the calm is faced is the best measure that solves a problem, and the society handles the method of such problems, it is the most important. You want at least of that that is to say to study a few data that concern this respect with the manner that to oneself the figure is in charge of, because dread blindly so. Wish you can spend each setback among life smoothly, make new oneself. Referenced material: Http:// of healthy life net Glossy ganoderma taking a place maintains article. referenced material:
Thursday, August 21, 2008
What is tumor? Be cancer? What symptom can ache by?
What is tumor? Be cancer? What symptom can ache by? If inscribe ~ Tumor need not be cancer surely, cent is mixed benignly malign, malignant tumor is general the cancer that we say. General and benign tumor grows very slow, hang in it only turn or can be intense ache when oppressive nerve, lie on one's back can feel by pressure have keenly feel. Tumor is cancer, the symptom should see diagnostic gain. Do not ache surely surely by.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Is excuse me vaginal linear cyst very serious? Can you evolve for cancer?
Is excuse me vaginal linear cyst very serious? Can you evolve for cancer? Grow inside the vagina excuse me have a few linear cyst, is this very serious defect? Can you turn into cancer? Below what condition can general cyst turn into cancer? If have cyst sure want undergo surgery, can in order to use drug? Is cure rate high? What what should notice to still have additionally? Invite detailed answer, had withered first here. Not be very serious, unless had been to be infected with, that meeting is very aching, if be the word foundation of diagnose cyst not quite cure of operation of meeting canceration first selection, medication it is good that the operation that has specific hardly cures the effect
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
How to comfort to the patient children of cancer
How to comfort to the patient children of cancer Children... ... did not misread Encourage, leader they, they can are opposite the disease of elder is confident. Medical skill develops now, the cure of cancer had very great progress, increasing person is cured. Still some people control an illness, outspread life. Advise
Study the what on cancer is professional
Study the what on cancer is professional I am about to attend a college next year my ideal is to capture I go to cancer not merely choosing what major had better be good learn Capture cancer? Calculated! Ideal is too high! And too big difference is done not have in moon colony! When you after germinant study tumour is professional, after perhaps saying you learn cure, you can know, original hospital also is the disease that has so much cannot treat. Still having most disease is incurable can saying only is to control. What upstairs friend says is right. You can choose biology pharmacy, the major such as biology project, learn to come out to must go nevertheless the foreign country studies abroad, it is too good that domestic condition does not calculate. You do not have some experiments the law is done. By the way one, the cent that these major want is very tall, if you have this volunteer word, was about to cheer from now on, breathe out ah You can take an examination of the clinical medicine major with old medical courses in general, take an examination of again later grind do scientific research, research captures the task ideal of cancer is ambitious, the sufferings except the mankind is a target
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
I had the courage that overcomes cancer
I had the courage that overcomes cancer I am the patient of a cancer that comes from city of Inner Mongolia Baotou, be graduated from university of Beijing chemical industry 6 years, be in 5 years when I am about to graduate, be sufferred from to have the tumor inside periosteum by diagnose, had method of amputation of crus of right lower limbs. Lung of the creation when the middle ten days of a month checked on schedule 7 years in October has two shadow, decide an operation at once, big about 5 centimeter are created in the operation, the position is in on between antrum vein and aorta, operation excision can have very big persecute, cannot issue operating-table probably, the doctor decides temporary suture ends an operation, come home conservative cure. Subsequently our family runs to Beijing again a lot of hospitals, gotten positive result is same, this meant me to be sentenced die punishment, without law cure, make do not answer every day in this kind, below the circumstance that ground making the land is ineffective, we created the introduction about magnify peaceful dean accidentally, we were holding tried idea in the arms to find magnify peaceful dean. After Dean Zhang enquires an illness, sympathize with our experience particularly, avoided our registration cost at once, and introduced the newest effective treatment method on bound of preexistence of a kind of eye to me, therapeutics of smooth oxygen motivation, and arrange with but how does Rui Jing teach the our country's famous expert that treat cancer, analyse a patient's condition jointly, make remedial plan, and was done to us large quantities of the thought works, let us build the confidence that overcomes a disease and determination, make I was lighted again to life look forward to newly! But face high remedial cost, we embarrassed again, undergraduate of a few years is about to graduate alive, suffer from again on this is ill, had let be entered with respect to not quite rich family originally not apply goes out, and owed very much external debt, be faced with again today see a doctor to treat cost costlily, we shook. After the case that when magnify peaceful dean and Rui Jing bring a professor to know me, they decide and the Ding Zong of holy aid hall discusses, all treat cost for my derate with the best will in the world. Hear this news, our family cried, I can thank God to let me only good intention person is encountered when walking along a head the most difficultly not to have a road, my go to the bad is unfortunate, helpless just encounter person of good intention of so much of holy aid hall, have good fortune again. I represent my parents, here most the most genuine say heartily sentence: Thank benefactor people! During subsequently cure, the doctor of holy aid hall and nurses showed the greatest effort, created the most appropriate my special situation, make I can achieve remedial result all-aroundly, holy aid hall cured not only my disease, still make my state of mind better and better, build the confidence that overcomes a disease and determination, I thank them sincerely. I got an illness to get be dominationed very well now, condition has every day improve, here I also wish all cancer the patient can cast off the serious illness of distress. Favour, cheer well subsist, it is social contribution well, repay the person that supports you Favour cheer, learning the alumnus of university of long Beijing chemical industry is good appearance we prop up you Cheer Cheer! ! Want you to have hope only, those who be no problem. Wish you recover at an early date. Greet to you!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Maternal cancer of the boy friend is terminal, want to face die see son marriage, how should I do
Maternal cancer of the boy friend is terminal, want to face die see son marriage, how should I do The mother fish brain tumor of my boy friend is malignant still is terminal, the figure is worse and worse, want to see we marry, but because of my boy friend his family situation is bad, also did not deposit money, my pa Mom does not agree to absorb him all the time, now plus cancer the likelihood is genetic, and cure still owed debt, because this won't be approved more. My boy friend is the closest the mood is very poor. . . How should I do? If you love him, you should consider from the angle of male friend, lose a dear one, especially parents is one individual lifetime in most the hour of distress, if in you this kind of circumstance issues you to put forward now,part or disapprobation, that certainly will male to you friend is one disaster after another, do you think he can absorb the double blow of mood and heart? Cancer does not have transmissibility, the immune condition of it and person and healthy level and psychological element are concerned, so you do not have necessary apprehension this. Below this kind of circumstance, you ought to be in more you beside male friend, although cannot marry immediately, but you are complete and OK the mother that gives you male friend an acceptance, with her present illness, hold impossibly also for you do wedding, what so you can do is the solace of pair of her hearts only, let her can be at ease leave. Likelihood your parents is to stem from the afraid ability that will live henceforth to you to object so, if have true love,do not pass, trust you can persuade father and mother, after all popular feeling is the flesh is long. Bless you Marry You can try to ask him `` if he lets you abandon him and go `` so he loves your `` really not to think your `` of be a burden on namely such man is worth to marry `` if `` if he dies to also do not put you to go `` so not very I am a high school schoolgirl do not know to say to be opposite so not if I love him is not everything what love him perhaps can marry him for him also because the girl has two roads to be able to transform,for his mother I say perhaps is the destiny is study 2 be If you are open-armed,marry love each other If cross you to love him really, a lot of things need not were in charge of. The true love that I say here, it is to love to be able to abandon for him all. But such love is blinder, if, the marriage that you consider is to build the circumstance in economic base to fall (more rational) , now great majority such, because marry to get along even later, be? You can forget a mood, come again afresh. The degree that if that paragraph of mood arrived really,cannot forget for long, clarify you still love him very much, so, did not hesitate, marry. The view of 2 buildings really very reasonable, the work that does not pass a mood very it's hard to say, usually, love a person deeper, deeper also to his infatuation, not be to say can give up with respect to give up. Very few person can accomplish the first kind of circumstance truly, it is pretty is much in love novel nevertheless. To a respectful form of address for an old person feel, help sb to fulfill his wishes the desire of others is a favour really, but, that must be you marry can get happy ability is opposite in the past, if oneself happy build the distress in others, the sort of desire does not want. You are to be your living, marriage also cannot become die a martyr to taste. Crucial point depends on you and you the mood of male friend. Anyhow, active advantageous position is in you, oneself him destiny holds. We can do, wish you can get happiness finally. Cheat together with the boy friend cheat his mom, want to marry really, still want earnest consider If you love him really the word of male friend, I think ought to not be a problem, what is the family that I know to you follow you considering, if you or the family that are you are true the very word that likes fund, then you listen to word of your pa Mom to marry a wealthy person, or it is flat and direct marry money goes, of course I know me such your meetings think, I am standing to talk not the waist aches, domestic home has the classics that reads aloud hard originally I know this word, but I know, wealthy person will surely not give you happiness surely, having money is not all-purpose, I also know to money is done not have in real life is absolutely incapable, the man need not want to have a lot of money surely, eat quite, use quite, the wife child that does not let oneself starves, suffer aspic, need flatly so weak subsist is good (still have a lot of things cannot one by one exemple lift) . The mood of his boy friend is very poor now, this is about to see you, now is action of your put to good use when, wish you can go together finally, the sweetheart that looks forward to you to follow you can have held out this to close (if you love him) !
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